
Leadership is the art of getting
someone else to do something
you want done because he wants
to do it. – Dwight Eisenhower

What’s Your Gremlin Telling You?


Did tt you know that there is this barrier within each of us? I call it our inner critic. Better known as the Gremlin! Your Gremlin, tells you not to try, to never take risks, and to always take the safe route. Your Gremlin compromises your life by playing small. The message from your gremlin’s warning is that you’re just not good enough to reach the summit of success.

What’s your gremlin telling you? Is it telling you that you’re not effective? That you’re not smart enough to do this job right? You don’t have enough experience? Or you don’t deserve great success? Again I ask you, what’s your gremlin whispering to you?

I tell my client’s that the most efficient way to silence your gremlin is to reveal the face of the gremlin. This allows you to discover that the gremlin is only a part of who you are, not your whole identity. By giving it an identity you see the mini monster for what it is. And by seeing what the mini monster looks outside of you, gives you the opportunity to see it objectively which can sap some of its strength that it tries to have over you.

What would you like the name of your gremlin to be? Share it with us today. But (do not choose the name of someone you know). It must be a name that represents the gremlin not a person that reminds you of your fears.

After you have given it a name, ask yourself the following question? What will you do the next time _____________shows up?

“Life offers neither problems or challenges only opportunities.” – Bruce Schneider